The Top 11 Things You Noticed During Your Fourth Rewatch Of Tenet In Theaters

1. That lengthy expositional monologue was delivered by a 10-year-old Josh Hutcherson.

Wow, he’s hard to get!


2. When you hung upside down suspended from the ceiling like a bat, the movie made perfect sense!

The employees can’t throw you out if they can’t reach you!


3. When you noticed Robert Pattinson in the background chanting “Movie theaters! Movie theaters! Movie theaters!” for 15 minutes.

When you went home, you chanted it at your wife for a whole hour but have no memory of doing so!


4. The sound in the theater was so good, you could hear Christopher Nolan behind the camera telling the cinematographer “Make that clock look sexier.”

It was already too sexy, in your opinion!


5. When Kenneth Branagh’s character describes his job by quoting Missy Elliot, saying, “I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it.”

Who knew he was such a fan!


6. When Michael Caine was busy Tenet-ing in the background, eating a single cheeseburger over and over again.

Can’t wait for the deleted scenes to expand on this.


7. The Oscar statue in the background that is labeled “Best Director: Christopher Nolan – Tenet.”

For you eagle-eyed viewers, this happens at the two hour mark. Get ready to cry!


8. When you told the worker at the snack bar that it was your fourth time seeing it and she gave you a ticket to see the real ending of the movie.

The space slug in the third act really brought the film together!


9. The behind-the-scenes featurette that revealed that the iconic “BWAAAA” noise was done by Chris Nolan unhinging his jaw and yelling at a beluga whale.

You’ll never trust Maria Menounos again!


10. The mid-credits scene that features Christian Bale in his own home.

You can tell by the fear in his eyes that this wasn’t planned!


11. When The Protagonist mumbled, “Wow, the only thing worse than a dead wife is not being able to go to the movie theater!”

Some reports say this scene was filmed in May!


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