“Amazing. Pure perfection.” Recipe Bloggers Praise VP Candidates’ Stellar Ability To Take Forever To Get To The Point

In the wake of Wednesday night’s Vice Presidential debates, many online pundits are taking to the web to evaluate the VP candidates’ stances on the pandemic, fracking, and potential presidential succession. However, some bloggers have narrowed their focus to discussing the candidates’ debate styles. 

“They were given two minutes to answer a question, and sometimes they’d talk about other things for a minute and 55 seconds before even beginning to answer the question,” recipe blogger Jane Goodson said on Thursday. “It was beautiful! I couldn’t help but admire the skills on display last night.”

Goodson, who runs a recipe blog called “Help! Jane Can’t Stop Baking!” is an expert on delaying her reader’s gratification. Before reaching any given recipe on Goodson’s site, a reader must endure dozens of paragraphs on topics ranging from family and vacations to shopping and freak occurrences. For example, if someone was searching for a recipe for magic bars, they might stumble upon Goodson’s entry. In the blog post, Goodson details a night in college where she walked into a patch of fog, and when she came out the other side, five years had passed, but for her, no time at all had gone by, leading her to truly believe in magic and further leading her to concoct her recipe for magic bars. 

“There really is no difference between someone asking you for a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and you telling them a 10-minute anecdote about your grandfather, whose name is Chip Cookie; and someone asking you a question about COVID in the White House and you answer by discussing the bravery of the American people,” Goodson went on. “The VP candidates are masters of the craft.”

Other recipe bloggers were taking notes during the debate and are planning on using the VP candidates’ strategies on their cooking websites. 

“One of my favorite moments came when the moderator asked Pence if he and Trump had discussed Pence taking over in the case of presidential disability, and Pence didn’t answer the question at all,” recipe blogger Helen Paulson (owner and operator of See, Meghan, My Cookies Are Good, Give Me My Husband Back Dot Com) said on Thursday. “When I post an entry called ‘The Best Lasagna You’ll Ever Have,’ everyone who clicks on the article is looking for a lasagna recipe. But now I’m thinking I should post a chicken pot pie recipe in its place. Or just not post a recipe in the article at all! Everyone will think my blog is cool and mysterious and unpredictable. My ex-husband will be filled with regret over leaving me!”

What did you think of the debate? And if you thought it was good, are you also a recipe blogger? Let us know over on our Instagram! 


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