The Top 10 Moments You Ran Into Your Uncle At Arby’s

1. After a parent/teacher’s conference when your parents decided to treat you.

If you’d gotten straight As, you would’ve gone somewhere else, but your dad said “Because all your grades ARE B’S, we’re going to Arby’s.” At least you saw your uncle there!

2. When he was behind the counter but he wasn’t wearing a uniform.

Uh oh! What’s the meaning of this?

3. When he was there with a woman who wasn’t his wife.

Why did he look at you like you were interrupting something? Weird!

4.  When he was there with a man who looked just like him.

He told you it was just a dream, but you know it was real!

5. That one day they served venison.

They really do have all the meats! Including every time you MEET your uncle there, am I right?

6.  After the midnight screening of X-men: The Last Stand.

When Wolverine looked right at the camera and said, “I want a smoke house brisket!” you knew where you were going after the movie!

7.  That time he was outside protesting the McRib being gone, because he thought he was at McDonald's.

You’ve never seen him cry that hard!

8.  After he legally changed his name to R. Bees.

Who knew it was so easy to hold a press conference!

9. After his funeral

Not the worst 4th of July you’ve had!

10.  After his funeral and you told your parents you could see him but they said no one was there and you realized only you could see him.

Hey, you can’t leave this earth without one last taste of a fire-roasted Philly, am I right?


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